Other Bishop’s Conference of FCBCO

New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference
Conference des Eveques Catholiques de la Nouvelle Zelande

President: Most Rev. Stephen Lowe, Bishop of Auckland

General Secretary: Most Rev. Paul Martin SM, Archbishop of Wellington

Vice-President: Most Rev. Michael Dooley, Bishop of Dunedin

204 Thorndon Quay, Wellington 6011

PO Box 1937, Wellington 6140

T 04 496 1725

M 021 611 052

E-mail: communications@nzcbc.org.nz

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference
Conference des Eveques Catholiques de l’Australie

President: Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, Archbishop of Perth

Vice-President: Most Rev Anthony C Fisher OP, Archbishop of Sydney

General Secretary: Very Rev Chris de Souza, Diocese of Parramatta

63 Curroug St. Braddon 2612
G.P.O. Box 368
CANBERRA ACT 2601, Australia
Tel: (61-2) 6201-2001
Fax: (61-2) 247-6083
E-mail: gensec@catholic.org.au

Papua New Guinea and the Solomons Catholic Bishops’ Conference
Conference des Eveques de la Papouasie Nlle Guinee et des Isles Salomon

President: Most Rev. Arnold Orowae
General Secretary: Rev. Fr. Giogio Licini, PIME
P. O. Box 398
Papua New Guinea.
Tel: (675) 325-9577
Fax: (675) 323-2551
E-mail: cbcgensec@catholic.org.pg